Wellness is trusting in the ability and desire of the bodymind to heal and improve itself when given half a chance. Candice Pert
About Joss

I have lived on the West Coast of BC for most of my life. As a young adult I studied and worked in Vancouver. I completed a B.A. in Psychology at SFU, and then went on to complete an M.A. in Counselling Psychology at UBC.
During these years of study I also traveled in Europe and Africa, and developed an appreciation for cross-cultural analysis. As well, I studied dance, human physiology, and anthropology, all of which have shaped my approach to psychotherapy.
While in Vancouver I worked in many settings, including: Mental Health, Family Services, The Vancouver Incest and Sexual Assault Centre, the Downtown Eastside, Youth Detox, and Addiction Services.
I moved to Victoria after the birth of my first child. Here in Victoria I was employed at Artemis Place as a Youth Counsellor, and now serve on their board of directors.